Hello, I'm "Stooge".
From 2000-2014, after Saturday Night Live would air a new episode, I would post a sketch-by-sketch review of that episode onto various SNL message boards. My first episode review was for the Charlize Theron episode in November 2000, and my final review was for the Andy Samberg episode 14 years later in May 2014. During that long 14-year stretch, I had an almost perfect streak of reviewing every single episode; however, there was a period in October-November 2005 where I had to go without reviewing a few episodes (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Lance Armstrong, and Jason Lee) because I was in the process of moving to a new place during that time and didn't have internet access for several weeks.
I had a lot of fun doing SNL reviews, and people on the SNL boards enjoyed them, which is what kept me going for so many years. This site is an archive of the reviews I wrote during those 14 years.
Season 26 (2000-01)
Keep in mind that my first year or so of reviews were done back when I was very young (16-17 years old) and very green as a reviewer, so they probably come off pretty rough and, at times, immature (the latter being on full display in my review of this episode, particularly the un-PC review I gave of a homoerotic VH1 Storytellers sketch, a sketch review that I now regret and sincerely apologize for). I'd say I found my groove as a reviewer by Season 28; however, I now kinda dislike the reviewing format I used from then until Season 30. I feel that my absolute best reviews are from Seasons 31-38.
[There are, unfortunately, some reviews from over the years (particularly in Season 26 and the entire first half of Season 31) that I've lost long ago and am still searching for.]
If you like these reviews of mine, you might be interested in something I've done years later called The 'One SNL a Day' Project, where I watched & did a review of an SNL episode once a day, going in chronological order from the very first episode ever to a little bit into season 43. My blog for that project is here.
Email me at stooge60540@gmail.com
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